Entries by Great Speech

What is a Lazy Tongue?

The highest quality voice and the broadest vocabulary aren’t worth much if the articulation of the words is not correct. The words we speak in the English language are comprised of individual sounds that are referred to as phonemes. These phonemes are combined to form words and give meaning. In order to produce sounds and […]

Speech Therapy Exercises to Try at Home

What is Speech Therapy? Speech therapy is the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of speech and language disorders and other communication challenges. The goal of speech therapy is to improve speech, language, and communication skills, focusing on things such as fluency, phonology, and articulation.  Speech therapy also helps to boost comprehension abilities, independence and confidence. Speech […]

Speech Therapy for Adult Stuttering

What is a Stutter? A stutter – also referred to as a stammer – is a speech disorder that relates to significant and frequent challenges with the regular flow and fluency of speech. Individuals who struggle with stuttering know the words they want to say and the information they want to convey, but they have […]

Does Speech Delay Mean Autism

Perhaps you have noticed that your child isn’t able to speak with as much fluency and clarity as other children their age, or that they aren’t responding to their name. It is common for parents of young children to be concerned with their child’s speech and language development. When a child is not meeting developmental […]

Can Essential Tremor Affect Speech?

What is an Essential Tremor? Essential tremor is a neurological condition that results in involuntary movements such as shaking, or trembling and can affect various parts of the body. In most cases, the tremor is first noticed in the hands, when the individual affected is attempting to do something requiring fine motor skills such as […]

How Do I Stop Losing My Accent?

Our accents can play a major role in our personal identity and how others perceive us. Every single person in the world has an accent, and within the English language, there is a wide variety of accents. Many people who have a regional accent or whose first language isn’t English wonder about how to modify […]

What is a Specific Language Impairment?

Specific Language Impairment (also referred to as SLI) is a term for a developmental language disorder that occurs when language skills do not develop as they should, and these challenges cannot be attributed to other developmental conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, traumatic brain injury, apraxia or speech or hearing loss. SLI is also sometimes […]

What Are the Symptoms of Spasmodic Dysphonia

What is Spasmodic Dysphonia? Spasmodic dysphonia is a disorder of speech that alters the sound of one’s voice when speaking. In the case of spasmodic dysphonia, the muscles in the larynx (also known as the voicebox) constrict or spasm when we attempt to speak. This means that the vocal cords aren’t able to effectively vibrate, […]

Why Does my Voice Vibrate when I Talk?

The core of sound and voice production is vibrations, which is one reason why your voice may sound louder to yourself than it does to others. When we talk, we are producing sounds not only through the air but also through what is known as bone conduction, which is the vibration of your skull. Because […]