
Speech Therapy for Huntington’s Disease
What is Huntington’s Disease?
Huntington’s disease is a…

How Does Memory Affect Speech?
While speech and memory aren’t exactly directly related, children…

Step Up For Students and Gardiner Scholarships Opened Applications for Students Under New Disability Categories
Exciting update for Florida parents and caregivers! Your child…

Speech Therapist Facts
What is Speech Therapy?
Speech therapy is the process of assessing,…

Help for Stroke Victims: The Role Music Therapy Can Play
After a stroke, many survivors may experience aphasia. This is…

Three Benefits of Creating A Vision Board: Tips to Make It A Fun Holiday Tradition
Every December, I purchase a variety of poster boards, collect…

5 Effective Parkinson's Speech Therapy Exercises
More than 10 million people all over the world currently live…

Back On Speaking Terms: Top 5 Qualities To Look For In A Speech Therapist
Speech therapy is the savior in more circumstances than many…