
A woman researching Huntington's disease symptoms from her couch at home

Speech Therapy for Huntington’s Disease

What is Huntington’s Disease? Huntington’s disease is a…

Step Up For Students and Gardiner Scholarships Opened Applications for Students Under New Disability Categories

Exciting update for Florida parents and caregivers! Your child…
Online speech therapy facts online

Speech Therapist Facts

What is Speech Therapy? Speech therapy is the process of assessing,…
two children doing online speech therapy

What is Virtual Speech Therapy?

Online Speech Therapy is an incredibly valuable resource that…
A group of 5 people sitting around a table

Four Great Speech Tips to Help You Succeed in Business and Real Life

Common perception is speech therapy is for kids. While many…
woman doing online speech therapy from her office

How Virtual Speech Therapy Works: A Complete Guide

40 million Americans suffer from communication and speech disorders.…
child on the computer pondering the future of speech therapy

The Future of Speech Therapy: Will Telepractice Play a Major Role?

I recently gave a seminar for speech therapy graduate students…
child dresses as a superhero
family using a vision board

Three Benefits of Creating A Vision Board: Tips to Make It A Fun Holiday Tradition

Every December, I purchase a variety of poster boards, collect…

Is Telespeech Fairly Priced and Cost Effective?

A mom recently posted in a Facebook group that she was looking…