ADHD & Executive Function
A collection of 19 posts
Here's How to Help Your School Child Cope With Executive Dysfunction
Executive dysfunction can be difficult for people of all ages and in all situations. For children trying to manage a...
10 Exercises and Strategies to Help with Executive Function Disorder
Have you been diagnosed with executive function disorder? Individuals who have abnormal executive function symptoms may feel frustrated, alone, and...
How Online Speech Therapy Can Help With the Effects of ADHD in Adults
Did you know that more than 25% of Americans struggle with ongoing loneliness? This percentage may be even higher among...
Sometimes Skills are as Effective as Pills
Is your son’s desk a disaster? Has your daughter’s teacher mentioned she has trouble focusing in class? You...
Is ADHD Real? Your Guide To Adult ADHD
In the mid-2000s to the late 2010s, our understanding of ADHD increased tenfold. That understanding led to more people being...
How to Help a Child With ADHD Succeed in School
When it comes to children with ADHD, school can be a struggle. It’s hard for them to focus and...
7 Signs Your Child Might Have an Executive Functioning Disorder
Over 4.6 million school-aged children have been diagnosed with some kind of a learning disability. But when your child...