Language Disorders
A collection of 32 posts
How is Pragmatic Language Disorder Treated?
What is Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder? Social pragmatic communication disorder (also known as SCD) refers to marked, distinct challenges related...
How Does Articulation Therapy Work?
What is Articulation? Articulation is the act or process of articulating speech or the adjustments and movements of speech organs...
What Age is Best for Speech Therapy?
Starting in the first few months of life, children begin developing the communication skills that will be the building blocks...
Is a Language Disorder a Speech Disorder?
It is common to hear the words “speech” and “language” used interchangeably, but the truth is they are actually two...
Speech activities that promote communication skills in adults with Autism and Aspergers
Maybe you’re thinking it’s too late for you or a loved one diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)...
New study highlights how the pandemic negatively affected language and communication skills in kids
Researchers in Rhode Island found that the environmental changes associated with the pandemic negatively affected the language and communication skills...
Speech Recognition Frustration and Communication Skills
With speech and voice recognition software like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa becoming a larger part of our...
How Online Speech Therapy Can Help With Language Disorders
Communication is one of the most important tools you’ll ever use, both in your personal life and in your...
The Difference Between Expressive and Receptive Language Disorders
Language disorders are just as individual as the people experiencing them. That being said, they do broadly fall into two...
6 Ways To Help Language Disorders for Kids with ADHD & Dyslexia
Dealing with a child who has a language disorder can be a difficult experience for everyone involved. Not only is...
A comprehensive guide to the most common speech disorders or speech and language disorders
Speech disorders are no uncommon condition. An estimated 7.5 million Americans have some sort of problem with their speech....
Your Guide to Childen's Language Disorders
What if you could help your child live a happier and more productive life? This is what all parents want...