Traumatic Brain Injury & Stroke Therapy

A collection of 21 posts

a woman suffering from TBI is at home on her laptop
Speech Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a varied and complex health condition that can have profound effects on an individual’s...

A girl with down syndrome conducting online speech therapy session from her laptop at home
Is Speech Therapy Effective for Down Syndrome?

Speech therapy for individuals with Down syndrome is designed to help improve communication skills, foster independence, and boost confidence. This...

jamie foxx on a microphone speaking to an audience
Thoughts and Prayers for Jamie Foxx: A True Force in Entertainment

The entire team at Great Speech is praying for 55-year-old Jamie Foxx, Oscar-winning actor, comedian and singer, to have a...

two young adults discussing their TBI
How Can I Improve my Speech After a Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury can have serious effects on an individual’s everyday life. One of the most life-altering of...

woman at home recovery her speech from a recent stroke
What is A Speech Stroke?

A stroke is the result of an injury to the brain that is caused by either a bleed in the...

a woman at home who recently suffered a stroke is getting speech therapy
Stroke Recovery Speech Exercises

How Does a Stroke Affect Speech? A stroke is a medical emergency that affects the flow of blood to the...

a woman taking speech therapy at home after suffering a stroke
What does a Speech Therapist do for Stroke Patients?

Suffering a stroke can be a frightening and traumatic experience. Most people know that getting to the hospital for treatment...

a woman with right hemisphere brain damage doing online research
Right Hemisphere Brain Damage

Right Hemisphere Brain Damage, also referred to as Right Hemisphere Disorder or RHD, is the result of sustaining head trauma...

ways to treat asphasia diagnosis
Ways to treat Aphasia

If you’ve had a stroke, you also have a one in three chance of developing aphasia. In addition to...

a stroke victim at home on a laptop getting help
Help for Stroke Victims: The Role Music Therapy Can Play

After a stroke, many survivors may experience aphasia. This is a disorder that impairs a person’s ability to understand...

a woman at a coffee table recovering from a brain injury
6 Ways Speech Therapy Can Aid in Brain Injury Recovery

A Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) works with people who have experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Most often, a TBI occurs...

a father learning to speak after a traumatic brain injury
Finding Your Voice Again: Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury is getting more notoriety these days now that we know more about the brain, concussions and the...