Communication Is Key: How Learning to Communicate Can Boost Your Child's Grades

Communication Is Key: How Learning to Communicate Can Boost Your Child's Grades

Everyone wants their children to thrive in school, right? Unfortunately, communication difficulties can make that harder. Between 8% and 9% of young children (before first grade) present some form of speech disorder or difficulty. That can be an extra hurdle for a child who already struggles to succeed.

Many children struggle to communicate their needs and thoughts orally. This can be due to anxiety, ADHD, a traumatic brain injury, or any other number of reasons.

Why is this oral communication so essential though?

For many children, oral communication can be the difference between thriving and struggling in school. Being able to communicate verbally is crucial to academic development and performance.

Keep reading to learn more about why communication is key when it comes to your child’s academic success.

Oral Communication and Confidence

When a child is in a classroom environment, they have to learn to speak their thoughts to take part in academic activities and class discussions.

Children are sensitive, but children can also be harsh. In a classroom environment, it doesn’t take much to shatter a child’s confidence. An answer spoken too quietly, stuttered, or misspoken can be enough to make the child-resistant to participating in the future.

Children should be encouraged to have confidence at any stage of development. Furthering their oral communication abilities will allow that confidence to bloom naturally.

Oral Communication and Classroom Success

Part of a student’s ability to do well in the classroom goes along with their ability to communicate. They need to communicate with their teachers and the students around them.

A student that is confident in their communication abilities will likely have no problem asking a teacher for help when they need it. Being able to ask for help is an important skill, but many children don’t have the communication skills to do so effectively.

The student may be able to ask for extra resources or let a teacher know when they’re going to be absent. They’ll be able to ask questions and communicate their thoughts in a way that is easy to follow. When teacher-student communication is clear, the potential for academic growth and success is greater (and more attainable).

A student with good oral communication abilities will also be better able to ask fellow students for help. They will be able to work collaboratively on group projects. This is often necessary for most school environments. This student may become a group leader, or at least be able to work in a way that facilitates group discussion.

This student may also be able to communicate their needs to other students. Does the student need more time or extra help on their part of a project? Does the student need to borrow someone’s notes? These are normal classroom situations. They become much more difficult without adequate communication skills.



Oral Communication and Social Growth

One of the biggest and most important parts of a child’s schooling (aside from academics) is the social aspect.

Children learn to socialize by socializing in the smaller school environment with its distinct hierarchies. Their games and small interactions teach them how to be adults interacting in the world.

A child that struggles to communicate orally will find it difficult to socialize with other children. This can hinder their social growth and potentially stunt them. These children can end up anxious, shy, and withdrawn.

Children who grow up with many siblings or peers before school begins may find themselves more adaptable to the social needs of the academic environment. Students who are more isolated, though, need those oral communication skills to be developed.

Part of academia (and later, finding a job) is building connections and networking. This is achieved by communicating clearly. A student must develop the necessary social skills required to communicate with strangers.

This networking skill needs to be nurtured in a safe and supportive school environment. Positive speech development skills will aid a child’s future abilities to communicate effectively with peers, potential employers, and networking links.

Oral Communication and Further Opportunities

Networking isn’t the only way that a student will benefit from enhanced oral communication skills.

A student who knows how to communicate will have more opportunities granted to them. They’ll be better able to find fulfilling work and develop meaningful connections. They may have an easier time joining extra-curricular activities like clubs, sports, and the arts.

A child who communicates can thrive in a debate team environment, or theatre. The child may end up in a public speaking club. They may do work that requires them to travel and speak to strangers. They may do nonprofit or charity work.

All of these things are part of what goes into a fantastic college application. These opportunities that will open up to your child will make them more appealing to college and job recruiters everywhere.

Your child will have the potential to be well-rounded. They will be confident and adept at navigating diverse social situations.

Even if your child does well in academics, extra-curricular activities are where many future opportunities come into play.


Communication Is Essential for a Child’s Success in and out of the Classroom

If your child struggles with oral communication, its important to help them succeed. Developing strong oral communication skills is essential to their success in school and for their future as productive and successful adults in college and the workforce.

To get specialized help for your child, contact us. We can help determine your child’s needs and work on a plan for success.

Click the button below to schedule your free call.


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