About Avivit Ben-Aharon

Founder & Clinical Director at Great Speech Inc. | Providing Innovative Alternatives to Speech Pathology Services

Entries by Avivit Ben-Aharon

Language Processing Disorder

Can you Overcome Language Processing Disorder? A language processing disorder (also referred to as LPD), is a language-based learning disability and is defined as a neurological condition affecting the ability to understand, use, and process language effectively. Individuals with LPD typically are in the normal range of intelligence and hearing but may struggle with various [...]

Functional Speech Disorder

Exploring Functional Speech: Examples, Disorders, and Distinctions The term “functional speech” refers to the ability to communicate effectively, navigate daily life situations, meet basic needs, and facilitate social interactions. Functional speech encompasses the use of speech and language to convey thoughts, express emotions, ask questions, make requests, and engage in conversations. Functional speech is different [...]

Unlocking Palilalia: Understanding Symptoms, Causes, and Examples

What is Palilalia? Palilalia is a speech disorder characterized by the repetition of words or phrases, often involuntarily and delayed, with these repetitions typically occurring within the same conversation, sentence, or phrase. It is classified as a form of speech dysfluency, where repetitions disrupt the regular flow of speech. Palilalia can manifest in various forms, [...]

Fluent Speech: Strategies to Address Disfluency and Vocal Challenges

Communication is essential for human interaction and connection, yet for many, fluency in speech can be difficult to achieve. Speech fluency refers to the smoothness, rhythm, and flow of speech production. Whether struggling with occasional stutters, hesitations, or persistent vocal hurdles, navigating the challenges associated with speech dysfluency can be overwhelming and daunting.  This is [...]

Why is Repetition Important in Therapy?

Repetition may seem like a simple concept, but it holds significant significance in the world of speech therapy. From mastering new sounds to internalizing language rules, repetition plays a vital role in improving speech, language, and communication skills. In this blog, we'll explore the primary reasons why repetition is a significant part of [...]

How to Slow Down Speech

Have you ever been told that you talk too fast or been asked to slow down your fast speech? In today’s fast-paced, busy, and often chaotic society, it is more and more common for individuals of all ages to have this communication problem. While speaking quickly is not a specific speech disorder and is [...]

How Does Breathing Affect Speaking?

Breathing is a fundamental part of life as it provides our bodies with oxygen, rids us of waste such as carbon dioxide, and allows us to live. Not only is breathing essential to our survival, but it also plays a vital role in the process of speech production. Understanding the relationship between speech production and [...]

Can ADHD Cause Speech Apraxia?

Navigating the complicated landscape of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can highlight not only difficulties with focus and impulse control but also related communication challenges. Individuals with ADHD may have difficulties expressing themselves, maintaining attention in conversations, or regulating their speech patterns. Recognizing the connection between ADHD and communication issues is crucial to overcoming these challenges. [...]

How Loneliness and Self-Isolation Impact Speech and Communication

In a world that is increasingly interconnected through technology, the effects of loneliness and isolation loom larger than ever. Extended periods of isolation frequently lead to more than just emotional distress; they can also profoundly impair our capacity for effective communication. As we collectively navigate a landscape that is still marked by social distancing, remote [...]

What Causes Adult Mumbling?

Most of us have been told at one time or another to “stop mumbling!” when we were speaking. The truth is that everyone wants to be able to communicate clearly and be heard well by others. The goal of speaking, whether it involves a professional presentation, a social interaction, or another situation, is to captivate [...]

Speech Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy refers to a group of disorders that affect the ability to move and maintain posture and balance. It is common for individuals with cerebral palsy to frequently have difficulties speaking and understanding language. Through the help and support of an experienced speech therapist, as well as the ongoing support of family members and [...]

How Can I Reduce My Accent to Sound Like a Native English Speaker?

For many Americans, English is their second language. This means that they may have an accent when speaking English. Accents are an integral part of our individual identities, and many people are proud of their accents, as they are reflections of our unique identities and backgrounds. Accent modification is a form of speech therapy that [...]