
A collection of 25 posts

girl at home working on her lisp correction
At What Age Should You Correct A Lisp?

What is a Lisp? A “lisp” is an articulation problem (or speech sound disorder) that results in difficulty pronouncing one...

a man learning at home on his laptop
What Is The Goal Of Cognitive Communication Therapy?

What is Cognition? Cognition is a term that refers to the mental processes that are involved in gaining comprehension and...

a man at home on his laptop
What is Adult Speech Therapy?

It is never too late to improve on speech, language, and communication skills. Possessing strong speaking skills is vitally important...

a man on his laptop that suffers pressured speech
What is Pressured Speech?

Pressured Speech refers to when someone speaks at a faster pace than is usual. For many people dealing with pressured...

woman at home recovery her speech from a recent stroke
What is A Speech Stroke?

A stroke is the result of an injury to the brain that is caused by either a bleed in the...

middle aged woman smiling
Does Aging Affect Speech?

Do Speech & Language Skills Deteriorate with Age? As we age, our bodies change in a wide variety of ways,...

a woman at home on her laptop suffering anxiety
Can Stress and Anxiety Cause Slurred Speech?

Stress and anxiety are things that many Americans deal with every single day. While some of the effects of stress...

a girl with tongue thrust at home on her laptop getting online speech therapy
Speech Therapy for Tongue Thrust

What is Tongue Thrust? Tongue Thrust refers to the habit of thrusting or pushing the tongue towards the front of...

a woman at home doing online speech therapy for dysarthria
What is the Difference Between Dysarthria and Apraxia?

There are two primary categories of motor speech disorders, dysarthria, and apraxia. The production of speech requires the coordination of...

a bilingual person at home on a laptop
How Does Bilingualism Affect Speech?

There have been countless studies on bilingualism and how it affects language development, and the research agrees that mastering multiple...

a girl with selective mutism on her laptop
Can Speech Therapy Help Selective Mutism?

What is Selective Mutism? In the world of speech and language, there is a wide range of behaviors that extend...

woman at home on her computer learning about social communication
How Do We Communicate Socially?

Social communication refers to a collection of verbal and nonverbal skills, such as conversation, social interaction, and social cognition. This...