Child Speech Development How Early can you Start Speech Therapy?

Child Speech Development How Early can you Start Speech Therapy?

Most parents are aware of the importance of the early years of a child’s life when it comes to speech and language development. During these formative years, a child’s brain is developing at a rapid pace, and they are more receptive and open to learning than they may ever be. From birth to the age of 5, children are developing speech and language skills through interactions with older children and adults in their life. When a child communicates, whether that is through expression, sounds, or words, the responses they receive provide important feedback and information that is an essential part of the process of speech and language development. 

When children don’t or aren’t able to communicate as much as others their age, they miss out on this important feedback and learning opportunities. When a child doesn’t speak, this typically results in the adults in their lives speaking to them less, or answering for them, instead of providing more opportunities for the child to learn and develop. Because children with a speech or language delay can’t participate in conversation and activities as much as other children their age, they can fall even further behind without additional support and guidance. This is why it is extremely important not to wait to seek the help of a speech and language pathologist when any concerns arise with a child’s speech and language development. If you want to learn more about early intervention and how it may help your child, schedule your free introductory call today!

How Early can you Start Speech Therapy?

Children develop so rapidly and in so many different ways, especially during the first five years of their lives. Because of this, it can be difficult to keep up with their skills and development and many parents wonder if their child is developing as they should. Most babies begin to babble as young as 3 months and as late as 12 months. Speech-language pathologists are experienced and qualified in working with babies as young as 6 months. The truth is, when it comes to the development of your child, it is never too early to seek support and resources. 

The Problem with the “Wait and See” Approach

While it may be tempting to “wait and see” how your child develops, especially if you aren’t sure if there is an existing challenge or delay, this approach can be detrimental to the child, and can cause them to fall even further behind. Many parents are advised to wait until they are certain there is a delay or that their child will grow out of it. If you have any concerns at all about the development of your child’s speech and language skills, seek support right away. Waiting will only result in lost time and learning opportunities and can exacerbate delays, issues or deficits. Don’t wait, connect with one of our speech and language therapists and schedule your free introductory call today!

How Can Early Intervention Support Speech, Language, and Communication? Does Early Intervention Work for Speech Therapy?

The simple fact is that the earlier a child receives support for a speech or language delay, the better the outcome for that child will be. When a child with a speech delay receives extra support from the adults in their lives, significant progress and gains can be made. Early intervention is critically important to help these children develop the necessary language and communication skills to succeed in both their academic and personal lives. 

Early intervention can be beneficial in a multitude of ways when it comes to speech and language development in young children. Providing resources and support for the parents of a child with a speech delay or developmental delay is one of the most valuable parts of early intervention. Working together with a trained speech and language pathologist can help to equip parents with tools and strategies to support their child, as well as help them feel confident that they can support their child and meet their needs. 

What Does Early Intervention Do for Speech?

Early intervention will help to improve the child’s relationships and will also help to improve or eliminate behavioral problems. When there are delays in communication and language skills, interacting with and understanding others can also be delayed. This can create problems when it comes to social situations, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. With the benefit of early intervention, children will learn to communicate a message with spoken language, express their feelings, and interact with those they love. 

When speech and language skills are supported and improved, it is common to see behavior improve as well. The ability to communicate their needs and wants can drastically reduce frustration and subsequent outbursts or other behavior (biting, hitting) in a child. Speech therapy will also help to set your child up for success at school, especially when you start early. 

Starting speech therapy with a young child introduces the idea that learning is fun and it makes us feel good. Many children will tell you that they spend all their time with their speech therapists playing, that is the truth! Making learning fun and exciting is every speech therapist’s goal, and they love to provide endless opportunities for learning and growth. If you have any concerns at all about your child’s speech and language development, even if they are under a year old, don’t hesitate to find appropriate support and resources. There is nothing to lose but time, and research has shown speech therapy to be highly beneficial even to children who are developing as they should. Schedule your free introductory call today and we will connect you with one of our highly qualified and experienced speech and language pathologists.