Changing Voices: Will Yours Change in 2017?

Changing Voices: Will Yours Change in 2017?

The inaugural parade has had the same voice since Eisenhower.

This year it’s changing.

Inauguration Day will sound different this year without Charlie Brotman behind the microphone at America’s biggest political extravaganza. The octogenarian has been the official announcer at every inauguration since President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s second term in 1956. That is more than 60 years.

This inauguration, Steve Ray, a D.C.-based freelance announcer and audio engineer, will take the microphone.

A new voice at the inauguration may signify President-Elect Trump’s voice of change.

Or his voice of reason. Or his way of finding his voice in the time honored traditions of the inauguration. Time will tell.

There are so many definitions of the word voice, depending on whether you use it as a noun, verb or as a grammatical term (active vs. passive voice).

But putting aside the part of speech, your voice defines you. It’s your signature. With a quick hello, you can convey emotion, state of mind, gender and place of origin.

And your voice is something which can be modified. Our voice naturally changes as we go through puberty. But speech and language therapists can change the sound, pitch and tonal quality of your voice. This is particularly important for the transgender population who need to create a new voice to match their new gender identity. But it can be equally important for professional reasons as well as medical ones.

The voice of Great Speech has not changed since our inception. We are firm believers in the power of speech therapy to unlock possibilities.

We also stand firmly in support of online speech therapy as an effective alternative to the traditional mode.

And while we may have recently updated our practice in 2017 to become HSA/FSA approved providers, our focus this year is to remind everyone of the benefits of TeleSpeech:

  • It’s convenient, interactive and accessible worldwide.
  • We treat a broad spectrum of disorders, including articulation disorders.
  • Can provide services in multiple languages to clients ages five to 85.

And we can modify your voice without breaking from tradition.

Can we count on your to help spread our message?

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