About Avivit Ben-Aharon

Founder & Clinical Director at Great Speech Inc. | Providing Innovative Alternatives to Speech Pathology Services

Entries by Avivit Ben-Aharon

Speech Therapy for Individuals with Vocal Fold Atrophy

As individuals get older, it is common for muscles to begin to atrophy. Muscle atrophy refers to the process of losing muscle mass or muscle tissue, resulting in smaller and weaker muscles. When this occurs with the vocal folds, it can affect an individual’s vocal quality and communication abilities. The terms vocal cords and [...]

Speech Therapy for Kids with Lisps

Lisps are among the most commonly treated speech problems by speech and language pathologists. The term “lisp” refers to the inability to clearly and easily produce specific speech sounds. Lisps are a type of functional speech disorder that is commonly identified in young children. Current research suggests that 23% of Americans will speak with a [...]

Does Williams Syndrome Affect Speech?

What is Williams Syndrome? Williams Syndrome is a rare disorder caused by the spontaneous deletion of 26-28 genes on chromosome number 7. The deletion occurs at conception and can occur in either the egg or the sperm. In most cases, this takes place on its own with no family history; however, someone who has this [...]

How Speech Therapy Supports Emotional Well-Being in Seniors

Many people are aware that speech therapy can be helpful for a child struggling with a speech disorder. However, most do not realize that it can be beneficial for individuals in various stages of life, including seniors.  Speech Difficulties for Seniors Many conditions can affect a senior's ability to speak and communicate effectively. [...]

How Do You Treat Stuttering In Adolescence?

Teenage Stuttering Stuttering is a speech disorder that affects the normal flow of speech. Someone with a stutter knows what they want to say but may have difficulty saying it.  Symptoms of stuttering include: * Repeating sounds or syllables in a word (st-st-st-stutter) * Prolonging word sounds (ssstutter) * Blocking of sound when trying to speak. The mouth [...]

What is a Phonological Disorder?

A Phonological Disorder is a type of speech disorder in which a person has difficulty understanding or using the rules of sound patterns (phonology) in their language. They may be able to produce individual sounds correctly but struggle when putting those sounds together to form words. Someone with a phonological disorder is often difficult to [...]

How Speech Therapy Helps Adults Recover from Aphasia After a Stroke

Aphasia is a language disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate. It can result from either a stroke or a brain injury; however, a stroke to the left side of the brain is typically the cause. The left brain handles the various aspects of speech and language. The effect that aphasia has on [...]

Does Dyslexia Affect Speech?

What is Dyslexia Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects a person’s ability to read, write, spell, and sometimes speak. This disorder is caused by the differences in how the brain processes written and spoken language. People with dyslexia have difficulty connecting letters to their sounds, sounds to their words, and words to their [...]

Virtual Speech Therapy for Articulation and Phonological Disorder

Virtual Speech Therapy for Articulation and Phonological Disorder Proven Treatment for Articulation and Phonological Disorders Unlock Your True Voice What Are Articulation and Phonological Disorders? The terms articulation and phonology refer to the way in which speech sounds are produced. Articulation and phonological disorders involve difficulties producing and appropriately using certain speech sounds. Both articulation [...]

Virtual Speech Therapy for Aphasia

Virtual Speech Therapy for Aphasia Reclaim Your Voice Unlock Your True Voice What is Aphasia? Aphasia is categorized as a language disorder that significantly affects an individual's ability to communicate with others. Aphasia occurs when there is damage to the part of the brain responsible for the comprehension and expression of language. This [...]

Speech Therapy for Autism

Speech Therapy for Autism Virtual Speech Therapy for Children with Autism Unlock Your True Voice Virtual Speech Therapy for Children with Autism Speech therapy is among the most important and beneficial therapeutic resources for anyone who has been diagnosed with ASD. Working closely with a speech and language pathologist offers guidance and support for individuals [...]

Famous People With A Lisp

If you’ve ever watched a Hollywood awards ceremony, you’ve likely seen dozens of gorgeously dressed celebrities who appear to be the picture of perfection. For us average Americans, famous people seem to live perfect, easy lives, but the truth is most of them work incredibly hard to get to where they are.  When [...]