About Avivit Ben-Aharon

Founder & Clinical Director at Great Speech Inc. | Providing Innovative Alternatives to Speech Pathology Services

Entries by Avivit Ben-Aharon

Eight Great Reasons to Buy a Rubik’s Cube: Why Speech Therapists Are Using the Cube in Therapy Sessions

Some toys have true staying power. The Rubik’s cube has topped the list of best-selling toys of all times since its creation in 1974. It’s amazing. Everywhere I go these days I see kids and adults playing with these 3-D combination puzzles, in all its various formats, from the traditional, to the two [...]

9 Exercises to Help Slow the Progression of Alzheimer's

It’s estimated that nearly six million Americans currently have Alzheimer’s disease. While many people may assume that there’s nothing they can do to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s this is actually not the case. There are several brain exercises for seniors as well as younger people that can help keep the [...]

Three Tips to Promote Speech and Language Therapy over the Summer

Ask my children to name the two most anticipated words of the school year and they will unanimously say: Summer vacation And the two most dreaded words: Summer Reading The end of the school year and the beginning of summer vacation is a juxtaposition of extremes.   There is no transition from the rigorous routine of [...]

Client-Centered Therapy: The 7 Benefits It Holds for Speech Therapy

Did you know, approximately 40 million people in the U.S have communication disorders? This then begs the question; what’s client-centered therapy? And how can it help speech difficulties? Luckily for you, we’re going to break that down for you here in this article. Let’s dive in! Client-Centered Therapy This is a [...]

What Causes Stuttering and How Can You Improve It?

Even as an adult, cruel words said to you by playground bullies decades earlier still has the power to make you cringe. One reason that little kids get bullied is speaking with a stutter. But did you know that approximately 5-10% of all children stutter between the ages of two and six? The condition is [...]

8 Tips for Promoting Online Learning Success for Your Children During COVID-19

It’s all about the setup.  As the mom of four boys, ages 4-18, I have experienced firsthand the challenges of virtual learning during the last four months. But as the founder of Great Speech, an online speech therapy platform, I have discovered how to maximize learning success by setting up the physical space as [...]

7 Clear Warning Signs of Traumatic Brain Injury

After a car crash or sports injury, you might feel the need to shrug off the pain. Unfortunately, waiting too long to receive treatment could turn a minor knock to the head into a severe brain injury. In fact, there are about 1.7 million cases of traumatic brain injuries each year. Traumatic brain injuries [...]

Social Communication Disorder: Everything You Needed to Know

The prevalence of social language impairment is about 7.7% in children of ages 3-17 years. Children with social communication disorder struggle with effective communication. They may not understand when to respond during a conversation. Others may not know when it’s better for them to keep quiet. Children with social communication disorder (SCD) also [...]

Great Language Development Lessons for Bilingual Parents

There is a difference between language and speech. Language is unique to humans and is defined as the underlying system that allows humans to interact, share their ideas and thoughts. Language is divided into receptive language, aka understanding language and expressive language, the ability to express thoughts and ideas. Language is essential for cognition and [...]

Key Questions to Ask Your Speech Pathologist Before a Therapy Session

The decision to see a speech-language pathologist is never an easy one to make, but it’s always in the best interest of the patient. Early intervention for children as young as the age of three can make a difference in the coming years. Once you’ve decided to see a speech-language pathologist, you probably [...]

What Kids Love About Summer: Summer Reading (Said No One Ever) and Other Language-Promoting Tips You'll Love!

Ask my children to name the two most anticipated words of the school year and they will unanimously say: Summer vacation And the two most dreaded words: Summer Reading The end of the school year and the beginning of summer vacation is a juxtaposition of extremes.  There is no transition from the rigorous routine of [...]

10 Exercises and Strategies to Help with Executive Function Disorder

Have you been diagnosed with executive function disorder? Individuals who have abnormal executive function symptoms may feel frustrated, alone, and misunderstood. Many people don’t yet comprehend this disorder, including some professionals who work in the medical and behavioral health industry. Executive function disorder often gets lumped into the same category as Attention Deficit Disorder. [...]