About Avivit Ben-Aharon

Founder & Clinical Director at Great Speech Inc. | Providing Innovative Alternatives to Speech Pathology Services

Entries by Avivit Ben-Aharon

Rip, Rug, Run: Speech Therapy Exercises for Remediation of the R Sound

Does your child have a language disorder or difficulty communicating? If so, they’re not alone. Approximately 8-9 percent of young children have some kind of speech or language disorder. One of the most common speech and language disorders a child may experience is an inability to pronounce the /r/ sound correctly. This particular speech [...]

The Future of Speech Therapy: Will Telepractice Play a Major Role?

I recently gave a seminar for speech therapy graduate students at Nova Southeastern University….online. An online class is so consistent with the telepractice model I was promoting to the students. Ironically, I live ten minutes from the university, while the professor was in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and the students were scattered across the US. [...]

How The Gardiner Scholarship Helps Florida’s Children with Unique Abilities Receive Online Speech Therapy

Good news for parents and caregivers in Florida! Your child may qualify for the Gardiner Scholarship and can receive online speech therapy from the convenience and comfort of your home. This scholarship, also known as the Personal Learning Scholarship Account (PLSA), is designed to better meet the individual educational and therapeutic needs of Florida children [...]

10 Symptoms of Vocal Cord Abuse

There are dozens of jobs that rely on your voice to be effective. They include teachers, instructors, trainers, singers, and public speakers. Overuse and abuse of your voice can put your job in jeopardy. 76 percent of those with vocal issues worry about the future of their careers. Vocal cord abuse is a real condition [...]

What To Expect During An Oral Mechanism Exam?

In the United States, around 7.5 million people have difficulty using their voice and clearly communicating. The issues seem to disproportionately affect children as well. Nearly one in twelve children struggle with a speech disorder. The growing diagnosis rate of speech disorders in recent years has increased awareness of the issue. When we know [...]

Finding Your Voice Again: Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury is getting more notoriety these days now that we know more about the brain, concussions and the risk of such injuries. In recent years, there were close to 3 million emergency room cases related to brain injuries. If you happen to suffer one of these injuries, it’s important that you work [...]

How Speech Therapy Is Used as a Treatment for Asperger's

Getting started on a treatment plan early leads to better results. this shouldn’t be surprising as most of life benefits from human inertia. The more of something you do, the better you tend to be at it. When it comes to finding an effective treatment for Asperger’s, the same ideas apply. Essentially, if [...]

8 Common Symptoms of Social Communication Disorder

Social communication disorder is a disorder characterized by unconventional and awkward communication patterns. While similar to — and often mistaken for — autism spectrum disorder, it’s void of many of the symptoms which characterize autism. Wondering what social communication disorder entails? We’re going to get into that below. Without further ado, here are 11 common [...]

Social Pragmatic Disorder: What you Need to Know About It

If you suspect that your child might have a social pragmatic disorder (or social communication disorder), you probably have a lot of questions. Social pragmatic communication disorder is a diagnosis, and it’s gone by many different names in the past. This disorder is characterized by the difficulty with the use of spoken language in [...]

Stuttering Facts Vs. Myths: What You Need to Know

Stuttering, like most disorders, is widely misunderstood. Many people imagine that a person who stutters can simply try to slow down or take a deep breath and alleviate their speech problems, at least temporarily. The issue is more complicated than that, unfortunately. We’re going to discuss a few stuttering facts today, debunking a few [...]

California Newswire – We Partner with Ignyte Healthcare Strategies to Increase Consumer Access to Telehealth Services

Great Speech, Inc., a pioneer in the online speech therapy space, has partnered with Ignyte Healthcare Strategies LLC to increase consumer access to much-needed virtual speech therapy services. In response to the pandemic, Ignyte has launched a strategic Return to Work Plan to help governments, businesses and organizations re-open safely, resume normal operations, and maintain [...]

The Important Role of TBI Speech Therapy in Treating Concussions

Every year, approximately 1.7 million cases of traumatic brain injury (or TBI for short) take place throughout the United States. Almost 5.3 million people also live with long-term disabilities caused by traumatic brain injuries. If someone you love has experienced a TBI, you may be desperate to do whatever you can to help [...]