About Avivit Ben-Aharon

Founder & Clinical Director at Great Speech Inc. | Providing Innovative Alternatives to Speech Pathology Services

Entries by Avivit Ben-Aharon

What's the Difference Between Apraxia and a Phonological Disorder?

Diagnosing speech disorders in children can be incredibly difficult. One reason why is that kids don’t develop uniformly, and some children’s speech development may lag behind others. They may just need time instead of a therapist. Another reason is that there are many different types of speech disorders. Each one requires different methods [...]

Do You Have Difficulty Talking? Here's How Voice Therapy Can Help

Your voice gives you power. The stronger your voice is and the more you believe in it, the more others will believe in it (and you) too. But, believing in your voice is hard if you have a developmental disability or other assorted speech problems. Instead of trusting your voice to express things for you, [...]

Does Better Hearing Promote Better Speech? Four Telltale Signs of Hearing Loss

Listen, my children, and you shall hear. Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Do we have to listen to hear or hear to listen? Hearing is a passive act; unless you are hearing impaired, the act of perceiving sound by the ear simply happens on its own.  Listening however is an [...]

The King’s Speech is a Common Problem

It didn’t take the movie “The King’s Speech” to bring the frustration of stuttering to the forefront. What it did is give it a “royal” boost. It also reminded us of the important role a speech therapist can play in remediating this “common” speech dysfluency. What are the signs of stuttering? The signs [...]

How Does Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Affect Your Speech?

Every year in the United States, approximately 1.7 million cases of traumatic brain injury (also known as TBI) occur. Traumatic brain injuries come with a wide range of symptoms, including changes in consciousness, confusion, vision changes, and changes in speaking ability. Even a very mild traumatic brain injury can have a negative effect on [...]

The Babble Battle: Why Do Babies Say Dada First

We carry them for nine months, birth them and often are the primary caregiver. Then why do babies generally say dada before mama? Fashion designer Rachel Zoe shared her frustration with PEOPLE “They always say, ‘Dada,’ first and I don’t know what that is,” Zoe said after her son finally said mama at 12 [...]

Vocal Cord Nodules: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

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Can Speech Therapy Help TBI Patients?

About 1.7 million people suffer from a TBI every year, and 80% of these people are treated at an emergency department and then released again. Unfortunately, this first treatment may not be enough for you to recover completely. If you don’t have the right support, from professionals and family, you are likely to [...]

How to Get Rid of an Accent: 4 Steps to Sounding Like a Native English Speaker

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Ten Top Tips for Promoting Language in Children with Autism

The diagnosis of autism often comes with the five-letter disclaimer: never Your child will never speak, never go to college or never hold a job. My experience as speech therapist has proven otherwise. While there are never any guarantees in life for any child, the word never should never be used. The world is changing. [...]

7 Signs of Voice Disorders and How Speech Therapy Can Help

Voice disorders affect many children and adults in the United States. More than half of all the children with voice disorders receive speech therapy for their disorder.  Speech therapy is an important step for people with voice disorders. It may even prevent the necessity for voice surgery or other invasive procedures.  How do you know [...]

Leave Your Accent Behind

Everyone has an accent. No matter where you go in life, you take your accent with you. It is part of your personal identity and reflects your unique characteristics and background. Some people have regional accents, like a Southern drawl or the Texas twang. Others have foreign accents which indicate that they were born or [...]