About Avivit Ben-Aharon

Founder & Clinical Director at Great Speech Inc. | Providing Innovative Alternatives to Speech Pathology Services

Entries by Avivit Ben-Aharon

7 Easy-To-Follow Tips That Will Help You Stop Stuttering

It’s no secret that most people have insecurities. These are simply characteristics of ourselves that we are self-conscious about. For example, some people aren’t as tall as they would like to be, while other people hate the color of their hair, while someone else might feel highly insecure about the shape of their [...]

The Best Treatments for Social Communication Disorders

Social communication is the term used for using language in a social context. This involves social interaction, cognition, and language processing. Communication disorders affect these skills and can prevent you from: * being able to communicate effectively * understand the perspective of others * and respond to verbal and nonverbal social cues. Without the development of these skills, [...]

Is This Normal? The Top Five Most Frequently Asked Questions about Speech Therapy

It’s an interesting phenomenon. The calls for virtual speech therapy services originate from all over the world. And yet the content of the questions is surprisingly similar. Here are the top five questions the Great Speech team answers on a regular basis: At what age should my child speak and how will I know [...]

9 Ways We Can Help With Your Child's Vocabulary Development

You wouldn’t be a good parent if you didn’t worry about your kids. But when are you right to have concerns about development? Language learning is a huge task to master for any child. If you’re concerned about your child’s speech or vocabulary development, check out these tips. Here are nine [...]

What Are the Benefits of Speech Therapy for Brain Injury Recovery?

A moderate to severe brain injury can change the course of someone’s life in mere seconds. Car crashes are one of the most common sources of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Other causes can include falls, blows to the head, oxygen deprivation (as in drowning), and even shockwaves from military devices. Depending on the specifics [...]

Great Lessons from the Supermarket

https://greatspeech.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Channel-10-_Supermarket-Segment-6.3.16.mp4 Grocery shopping- a thankless job that appears on our to-do list weekly. But what if we could take this task and turn it into an activity that benefits our children? Suddenly, a mundane task becomes altruistic, creative and something beneficial we do for [...]

Why Online Speech Therapy Is as Effective as In-Person Therapy

Speech therapy is an important part of the lives of many children and adults who are struggling with their speech. In fact, 40 million Americans are suffering from communication disorders. About five percent of kids have developed noticeable speech problems by first grade. Working with a certified Speech Pathologist is the most recommended route to [...]

Your Guide to Expressive Language Disorder

It can be daunting when your child receives a diagnosis of expressive language disorder. While you’ve likely noticed the signs, it can be overwhelming to think about supporting your child with this challenge. After all, this is one of the most fundamental of skills – the ability to communicate successfully with others. However, take heart! [...]

Can the Digital Diet Solve Our Communication Crisis? Three Tips to Promote Family Conversation

April showers bring May flowers as well as the celebration of Better Hearing and Speech Month. As a speech therapist and founder of Great Speech, I welcome the flowers as well as the opportunity to promote the connection between hearing and speech and the strides we have taken to improve communication. But wait! A recent [...]

Listening Comprehension Issues: What Parents Need to Know

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Coping with a Speech Diagnosis: A Toolbox for Parents

Late bloomer or language problem? Each child develops at an individual pace. Some children experience language delay. Other possible speech diagnoses included speech or language disorders. Securing a speech diagnosis involves an evaluation by a licensed speech and language therapist. While the process will give you a definitive diagnosis and treatment options, parents may find [...]

Speech Therapy After Strokes: Exercises That Help Restore Language

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