About Avivit Ben-Aharon
Founder & Clinical Director at Great Speech Inc. | Providing Innovative Alternatives to Speech Pathology Services
Entries by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Is Late Talking an Early Sign of Autism?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
While delayed speech development is common among children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, late talking can also occur in children without ASD. While notable delays in the development of speech and language skills are a cause for concern, they are not specifically a sign of Autism and can be the result of other underlying causes and [...]
What is the LIPS Program and How is it Used During Speech Therapy?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
The LiPS program, also known as the Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program, is an intervention approach designed to promote phonemic awareness and support the development of literacy skills. While the term phonological awareness refers to the ability to recognize and manipulate the spoken elements of words, phonemic awareness refers to the ability to identify and manipulate [...]
How Can Speech Therapy Help Improve Executive Function Skills?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
What is Executive Function in Speech therapy? The term “executive function” refers to a set of essential cognitive skills. These skills include the ability and capacity for advanced planning, meeting goals, using self-control, and following multi-step directions while remaining focused if interrupted. Executive functions are abilities and processes that are used every day to learn, [...]
Does Speech Therapy Actually Work?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Speech therapy is a form of treatment that was created to help individuals improve their speech, language, and communication skills and participate more wholly in everyday life. It empowers people of all ages to express their thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs, and to understand communication from others. Speech therapy has also been shown to improve [...]
Does Speech Therapy Help with Cognitive Issues?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Cognition is the mental process or action of acquiring knowledge, information, and understanding through experience, thought, and the senses. Cognitive communication skills are the abilities that are used alongside speech and language skills to effectively communicate. This group of skills includes: * Orientation * Attention * Memory * Problem-Solving * Impulsivity * Perception * Reasoning & Organization * Sequencing & Planning * Social Behaviors [...]
How to Talk to Toddlers So They Listen?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Poor listening skills and a lack of obedience are among the most frequently noted concerns expressed by parents of toddlers and young children. The truth is that children love to experience freedom and fun, and anything that feels outside of that is often met with resistance or defiance. Parents of young children and toddlers often [...]
Is it OK to Take a Break from Speech Therapy?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Speech therapy can be an exhausting and taxing process for many individuals, especially for those who are working to overcome more severe or complex communication challenges such as dysarthria, language disorders, and apraxia of speech. If you or your child has been working with a speech therapist for an extended period, you may wonder if [...]
What is Alalia Speech Disorder?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Alalia is a technical term used by speech and language pathologists to refer to a severe speech disorder involving the inability to form words or produce speech sounds effectively. Alalia should not be confused with aphasia, which relates to challenges with understanding or expressing language as a result of brain damage or traumatic brain injury. [...]
What Famous People Have Apraxia of Speech?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
While celebrities and famous people may be uniquely talented and appear to be living the dream life, it is important to remember that most of them have worked very hard and overcome significant obstacles to get to where they are. Speech and language difficulties can affect celebrities and public figures just as they can affect [...]
How do you Treat Articulation Errors?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
In the world of online speech therapy, addressing articulation errors plays a significant role in helping individuals of all ages achieve clear and effective communication. Articulation errors are difficulties with the production of speech sounds that impact the clarity and intelligibility of speech. Individuals who struggle with frequent articulation errors often struggle with confidence and [...]
Do Tongue Exercises Help Speech?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Developing speech and language skills involves many aspects of communication, including articulation, pronunciation, language processing, phonological awareness, and the production of specific speech sounds and sound combinations. In addition to controlling airflow and coordinating the parts necessary for speech production, the strength, flexibility, and movement of the tongue are essential for clear and effective speech [...]
How Quickly Does Speech Therapy Work?
/ by Avivit Ben-Aharon
If you’re considering starting speech therapy (either for yourself or a loved one) or have already begun working with a speech and language pathologist, you may have wondered, “How long will speech therapy take?” This is a common question for anyone involved in speech therapy, either as a parent, loved one, or someone who [...]