About Avivit Ben-Aharon

Founder & Clinical Director at Great Speech Inc. | Providing Innovative Alternatives to Speech Pathology Services

Entries by Avivit Ben-Aharon

6 Strategies to Do Speech Therapy at Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Was your child or loved one receiving speech therapy before the coronavirus pandemic? It’s important that they continue with this therapy so they don’t lose ground. Today, telepractice provides an option for face-to-face therapy sessions. One study compared therapy provided in-person to that provided through telepractice. They found that both groups of students [...]

Sometimes Skills are as Effective as Pills

Is your son’s desk a disaster? Has your daughter’s teacher mentioned she has trouble focusing in class? You may have seen subtle signs in your child suggesting ADHD. Sometimes I think our culture of multi-tasking and the constant barrage of text messages is a factor in our inability to concentrate. But while you [...]

How to Help Your Child Develop a Strong Vocabulary

Are you looking to help your child improve their vocabulary, but aren’t sure where to begin? Helping your child build their vocabulary is one of the most worthwhile things you can do for them. Not only will a strong vocabulary help them in school, but it will also help them in everyday life. A [...]

Speech Issues Due to Parkinson's? How a Speech Language Pathologist Can Help

Approximately 10 million people globally suffer from Parkinson’s disease. If you or someone you love is part of this group, you may want to start working with a speech language pathologist. The sooner you hire a professional, the more improvement you’ll see in your communication abilities. Early intervention is essential for managing all [...]

Is ADHD Real? Your Guide To Adult ADHD

In the mid-2000s to the late 2010s, our understanding of ADHD increased tenfold. That understanding led to more people being diagnosed than ever, as physicians had more research-backed criteria to go off of. That increase in diagnoses, however, was questioned by the general public. They felt doctors were over-diagnosing and over-medicating, but they weren’t. [...]

How to Help a Child With ADHD Succeed in School

When it comes to children with ADHD, school can be a struggle. It’s hard for them to focus and learn but there are ways that you can help them if you’re a teacher. One of the best things is being compassionate but that’s not the end of what you can do. It’ [...]

Long-Term Effects of Concussions on the Brain that You Need to Watch For

If you’ve ever had a concussion, you’ve probably felt a little out of sorts for a while — especially if the concussion was mild. Some people experience severe concussions, and multiple ones at that. We know that the body is an incredible machine. It’s capable of healing itself and allowing people to recover [...]

Increase your Toddler’s Vocabulary In Five Easy Steps

Babies are born with almost no communication skills, except the ability to cry. But by two years of age, toddlers can generally connect words and string them into simple sentences. Here are five easy ways to reinforce communication and increase vocabulary. Talk, talk, talk– In our busy world, it is often easy to turn on [...]

7 Signs Your Child Might Have an Executive Functioning Disorder

Over 4.6 million school-aged children have been diagnosed with some kind of a learning disability. But when your child is one of those millions, it can feel like your world has turned completely upside-down. Perhaps you know that something isn’t quite right with your child’s learning and processing abilities, but you’re [...]

Your Coronavirus Educational Activity Toolbox: 10 Tips to Help Parents Weather School Closing

School is out. But it’s not a snow day nor a vacation week.  You may be tempted to dump your daily routine and transition to a vacation mentality.  But this coronavirus hiatus from school and work has no definite end date, a cause for anxiety. It’s also an opportunity.  While our older children [...]

The Top 3 Benefits of Online Speech Therapy During the Coronavirus Outbreak and Flu Season

Coronavirus has been officially declared a pandemic. Schools are closed in some parts of the country. Businesses and healthcare offices may be next. Some consumers are worried they will not be able to access the speech therapy services they need- for themselves or for their family members and they are researching online speech therapy alternatives [...]

Gr8 Lessons Learned from Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma had a powerful impact. Thankfully South Florida was not hit with a Category Five storm as expected. And we are grateful. Not just for the unexpected detour but also for the valuable lessons learned about caring, comfort and TeleSpeech. Let’s start with caring. Caring and compassion were rampant before, during and after [...]