About Avivit Ben-Aharon
Founder & Clinical Director at Great Speech Inc. | Providing Innovative Alternatives to Speech Pathology Services
Entries by Avivit Ben-Aharon
7 Signs Your Child Might Have an Executive Functioning Disorder
/ in ADHD & Executive Function | ADHD | Executive Function / by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Over 4.6 million school-aged children have been diagnosed with some kind of a learning disability. But when your child is one of those millions, it can feel like your world has turned completely upside-down. Perhaps you know that something isn’t quite right with your child’s learning and processing abilities, but you’re [...]
Your Coronavirus Educational Activity Toolbox: 10 Tips to Help Parents Weather School Closing
/ in Virtual Speech Therapy | Tools for Parents / by Avivit Ben-Aharon
School is out. But it’s not a snow day nor a vacation week. You may be tempted to dump your daily routine and transition to a vacation mentality. But this coronavirus hiatus from school and work has no definite end date, a cause for anxiety. It’s also an opportunity. While our older children [...]
The Top 3 Benefits of Online Speech Therapy During the Coronavirus Outbreak and Flu Season
/ in Virtual Speech Therapy / by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Coronavirus has been officially declared a pandemic. Schools are closed in some parts of the country. Businesses and healthcare offices may be next. Some consumers are worried they will not be able to access the speech therapy services they need- for themselves or for their family members and they are researching online speech therapy alternatives [...]
Gr8 Lessons Learned from Hurricane Irma
/ in Virtual Speech Therapy / by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Hurricane Irma had a powerful impact. Thankfully South Florida was not hit with a Category Five storm as expected. And we are grateful. Not just for the unexpected detour but also for the valuable lessons learned about caring, comfort and TeleSpeech. Let’s start with caring. Caring and compassion were rampant before, during and after [...]
Changing Voices: Will Yours Change in 2017?
/ in Virtual Speech Therapy / by Avivit Ben-Aharon
The inaugural parade has had the same voice since Eisenhower. This year it’s changing. Inauguration Day will sound different this year without Charlie Brotman behind the microphone at America’s biggest political extravaganza. The octogenarian has been the official announcer at every inauguration since President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s second term in 1956. That [...]
The Latest Scholarship News for Florida Special Needs Kids
/ in Tools for Parents | School Success & Reading Comprehension | Virtual Speech Therapy / by Avivit Ben-Aharon
Good news for Florida residents! Your child may be eligible for the Gardiner Scholarship. Also known as the PLSA, Personal Learning Scholarship Account, this NEW financial program is designed to better meet the individual educational and therapeutic needs of Florida children with disabilities, ages 3-22 (or 12th grade.) If your child qualifies for the PLSA, [...]
Gr8 Expectations for 2015
/ in Virtual Speech Therapy / by Avivit Ben-Aharon
My 2015 New Year’s resolution is…to create a mission statement instead of a New Year’s resolution. We’ll call it the Gr8 Expectations! As I look back over the past year, I am energized by the evolution of Great Speech. In 2013, the focus was on our website; in 2014, we tackled [...]
Speaking Volumes
/ in Virtual Speech Therapy / by Avivit Ben-Aharon
With the New Year, comes new resolutions. Of course, I have the usual list of personal ones like creating more me time and engaging in more physically-fit activities like rollerblading with my family. But equally important this year are my professional goals. While launching the Great Speech website was a 2013 milestone, spreading the word [...]